Kriya shareera is the indispensable for the study of medical science, which provides the basic and essential knowledge of functional aspect of body, mind and the senses. Normal and abnormal functions of Dosha-Dhatu and Mala helps in critical understanding of disease process and an insight to disease management and prevention. The human physiology is the core of medical erudition.its cosmic contribution to the growth of medical technology and clinical management is immeasurable. Hence, for a medical student, there is a great importance to understand all other pre, para and clinical subject. Proper knowledge of normalcy has huge importance for assessment of abnormalcy for preventing and treating the diseases. Kriya sharira department deals with the knowledge and clinical applicability of the basic principles of Ayurveda like Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, agni, Srotas, Prakruti, mana oja etc which are conducive for the development of diagnostic skills and application of physiological concepts and principles clinically.